PhonePe Ad Girl | PhonePe Ad Girl Name | PhonePe Ad Girl Name 2023 | PhonePe Ad Cast

PhonePe Ad Girl | PhonePe Ad Girl Name | PhonePe Ad Girl Name 2023 | PhonePe Ad Cast

Girl - Naina Bhan
Instagram - nainabee

Boy - Rohan Gurbaxani
Instagram - rohangurbaxani


1) What is the name of girl in PhonePe ad?
Ans - Naina Bhan

2) What is the Instagram I'd of PhonePe Girl?
Ans - nainabee

3) What is the name of boy in PhonePe ad?
Ans - Rohan Gurbaxani

4) What is the Instagram I'd of PhonePe Boy?
Ans - rohangurbaxani

5) PhonePe Ad Girl Arya Name
Ans - Naina Bhan

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